About IPL
If sun damage, age spots, or hyperpigmentation are preventing you from putting your best face forward, John Williams Plastic Surgery can offer you a nonsurgical, noninvasive solution at our Scottsdale, AZ office. IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy, also known as a photofacial, is a rejuvenating skin treatment for adult women and men with complexion concerns that affect their neck and face. A photofacial may not be an invasive process, but it is highly effective and can create impressive outcomes. Our team uses intense pulses of light created by LumenisM22's Universal IPL technology to raise the temperature of your skin cells just enough to ignite the natural regeneration process and boost the production of collagen. Following the procedure, you should begin to see a healthier complexion with a better tone and texture and fewer spots.
The Photofractional procedure is a rejuvenating facial treatment created by LumenisM22 for the comprehensive treatment of sun and age spots, fine lines, uneven skin tone, and hyperpigmentation. The treatment is minimally invasive, allowing patients to return to their regular activities without extensive downtime. The Photofractional secret is the combining of two innovative technologies, ResurFX and Universal IPL, which work together to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin beneath the skin's surface to reduce discoloration and improve tone, texture, and elasticity.
IPL Reviews
Ideal Candidates
A LumenisM22 photofacial works deep within the layers of your skin to treat several complexion concerns (especially sun spots and brown lesions) with minimal or no recovery time. Ideal candidates for an IPL photofacial at John Williams Plastic Surgery may have several issues with their skin, such as rosacea, sun damage, brown spots (hyperpigmentation), rough texture, large pores, flushing, melasma, sun and age spots, or spider veins. Dr. John Williams or a member of our team will examine your skin to determine if you will benefit from a photofacial during a private consultation.
Procedure Technique
Your LumenisM22 photofacial will be performed at our Scottsdale, AZ office in about 20 – 30 minutes in our minor procedures room. If your treatment is being combined with other facial treatments, the appointment could last a bit longer. To prepare for the treatment, your technician will wash and dry your skin before protecting your eyes with shields. The photofacial is administered using a handheld LumenisM22 wand that will pass over the skin while emitting pulses of laser energy. While most patients may have mild discomfort during the photofacial, it is generally bearable given the quick treatment length.
What to Expect
Generally speaking, there is no healing or recovery period needed after a photofacial. However, you may leave your appointment with slightly inflamed and red skin. This will subside naturally in the coming hours and can be concealed with makeup if you prefer. Your technician may apply an ointment to your skin to minimize irritation and expedite healing. After 2 – 5 days, the irregularities that rested under the skin will come to the surface skin layers and then begin to flake away. It's important to protect your skin with sunscreen at all times after a photofacial and to not pick at your skin. While you should see visible results after your first treatment, you may benefit from a series of LumenisM22 sessions.

Get yOur Glow On
If you are interested in an effective, noninvasive solution for clearer, more youthful skin, we invite you to learn more about LumenisM22 IPL laser treatments by contacting our Scottsdale, AZ office and scheduling an appointment. IPL photofacial treatments at John Williams Plastic Surgery can go deep within the layers of your skin to help bring back a radiant glow and a healthy complexion.