This 20 year old patient presented to Dr. Williams office requesting information regarding breast augmentation. She stated she had always been small chested and out of proportion and wanted natural-looking, fuller breasts. After examining her breasts, Dr. Williams determined she had a bilateral tubular breast deformity with her right side more significantly affected than the left. Dr. Williams performed a bilateral, sub pectoral (under the muscle) breast augmentation utilizing silicone gel implants through an inframammary approach. To correct her tuberous breast deformity bilateral scoring of the breast tissue was also performed with a periareolar (around the areola) mastopexy. Four months following her surgery she is doing extremely well and is thrilled with her results. Her implants are soft and symmetrical. Her breast tissue is continuing to expand nicely over her implants to create a very nice shape. Over the next several months she will continue to see a significant improvement with her scars.